AGCI x ACES: Why Food Systems Hold the Key to Reversing Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss

Feeding 10 billion people sustainably by 2050 while conserving nature and addressing climate change is humanity’s greatest challenge. Almost a billion people worldwide experience food insecurity, while an estimated 40% of all food produced is lost or wasted. At the same time, food and agriculture are the main drivers of biodiversity loss globally, constituting a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions, with a large climate impact.
In this talk, Pete Pearson, Global Lead for the Food Circularity program at World Wildlife Fund (WWF), will explain WWF’s strategy for moving food systems toward a more regenerative and waste-free future. His presentation will explore both global and local solutions for reducing food loss and waste, including zero conversion of forest and grassland habitat and the role of mindful consumption and diets.
About the Speaker:
Pete Pearson is the Global Initiative Lead for the Food Circularity program at World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the world’s leading independent conservation organization, whose mission is to create a world where people and nature can thrive together. Pete specializes in food waste prevention and food circularity as part of WWF’s larger food system efforts.
Pete has led local and national sustainability programs within the retail grocery sector across 2,000 grocery stores in 37 states. He also has over 10 years of technology experience with companies including Hewlett-Packard, Accenture, and Albertsons. He has worked with public schools and hospitals as an independent sustainability consultant, co-founded a nonprofit focused on sustainable and regenerative agriculture, and also co-produced a documentary film on regenerative and local food production. Pete currently lives in Washington DC and enjoys fly fishing, sailing, and exploring the outdoors with his family.

AGCI x ACES: Why Food Systems Hold the Key to Reversing Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss