Jim Kravitz
Naturalist Programs Director
Jim Kravitz has been the Director of Naturalist Programs at ACES since 1996. Jim came to ACES in 1995 as a Summer Naturalist. He grew up in the Garden State and drew inspiration from Gilligan’s Island, climbing trees, and sledding. An interest in the mountains brought Jim to the University of Colorado where he majored in Environmental Conservation and was able to participate in Semester at Sea. Following college, Jim worked for an environmental consulting group during non-summer months and guided teens and college students in wilderness areas throughout the west and Alaska with Wilderness Ventures for four summers.
After his amazing summer at ACES he stayed on as a Winter Naturalist and was lucky to be in a position to take over directing the Naturalist program. While at ACES Jim completed graduate studies at the Union Institute focusing on how place based education and partnerships increase social capital (bonds within a community). He never finished his dissertation (he’s ok with that). He gets the most satisfaction out of working with the new naturalists that arrive at ACES each year. As a naturalist, there is no subject or issue that doesn’t interest Jim, except Covid.
Jim has two sons who share his love for the outdoors and especially off-trail wild places, biking, and skiing. He is especially proud of their appreciation of classic rock and silly humor.