Fall Bird Migration Field Trip | THREE

This fall migratory season is proving to be a special one with the phenomenon of abundant warblers throughout the valley. As warblers and many other migratory birds continue to refuel, rest, gather in flocks, and pass through our area, it is an especially good time to observe, learn, and add to your birding experience. Join us for an outing at Lake Christine and Basalt River Park area where we will observe birds in various habitats, including pinyon-juniper woodland, mountain shrubland, weedy meadows and old orchards, open water and shoreline, cottonwood forest, willow riparian, river cobbles and gravel bars, and surrounding uplands. We will be walking on soft-surface trails and occasionally stepping off-trail in spots. Species we hope to see include various waterfowl and shorebirds, osprey, kingfisher, wild turkey, white-breasted nuthatch, Wilson’s and other warblers, various species of sparrows, Lewis’s and other woodpeckers, American goldfinch, evening grosbeak, and more.
This class requires advance registration to ensure appropriate planning for the field experience.
Meeting location will be communicated ahead of time to registered participants.
About the Instructor:
Rebecca Weiss is a Naturalist specializing in birding, botany, and interpretive program development. She came to ACES as a Summer Naturalist in 1993, and later directed the Naturalist Field School and worked with ACES’ Naturalist Programs. She guides for ACES’ Birding Program outings and is a professional writer and consultant. Rebecca is the author of Birds of Aspen and the Roaring Fork Valley. She holds a BS in Biology and a MA in Environmental Education, and loves exploring the natural world with her husband, Austin, and their children, Anders and Elsie.

Fall Bird Migration Field Trip | THREE