Jessica Catto Dialogue | The Election and the Future of Food on Your Table

As Americans, we have an opportunity and responsibility to use our voice to affect how our food is grown, how our land is treated, and how industrial agriculture harms our climate. This Jessica Catto Dialogue will delve into the policies shaping US food systems, the impact agriculture has on the environment, our inefficiencies of land use, and the “agricultural exceptionalism” that protects the industry from oversight. We’ll discuss different policy approaches and priorities regarding past and future Farm Bills and how rethinking the food system more broadly offers options that uplift and support farmers, farmworkers, animals, and most importantly… you.
FREE, Registration Required
Peter Lehner | Managing Attorney, Sustainable Food & Farming | Earthjustice
Elizabeth Candelario | Chief Strategy Officer | Mad Agriculture
Jessica Hulse Dillon | Senior Director | Soil & Climate Alliance