LGBTQ+ Wilderness Adventure (Overnight)

Join us for a week of fun filled outdoor adventures with a supportive group of LGBTQ+ youth! This program will develop your self-confidence through building meaningful relationships with people who have similar shared experiences and exploring the regenerative powerful wisdom of the forest. We will learn traditional ancestral skills including tracking, fire building, crafting, storytelling and sealthcraft to help ground our nervous systems in the present. You will leave this camp with a greater sense of self and connection with the forest and fellow queer youth.
Schedule for the week:
Monday-Tuesday: 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. at Rock Bottom Ranch
Wednesday: Meet at the Catto Center at Toklat at 10 a.m. ready with all overnight gear
Friday: Pick-up at Toklat at 12 p.m.

LGBTQ+ Wilderness Adventure (Overnight)
$560 Non-Members
Members recieve 10% discount