Naturalist Nights: Small Mountain Owls

Scott Rashid, Director, Colorado Avian Research and Rehabilitation Institute (

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In this presentation, Scott Rashid will be discussing the natural history of the Northern Saw-whet, Northern Pygmy, Flammulated and Boreal Owls. He will discuss each species, habitat preference, courtship activities, vocalizations, egg-laying, incubation timing, feeding habits, as well as fledging and post-fledging activities. Within the presentation are images and video of the birds as they are vocalizing to attract females, nest sites, food deliveries and much more — all of which Rashid took during his research. 

About Scott Rashid

As the Director of the Colorado Avian Research and Rehabilitation Institute or CARRI, Scott Rashid creates and manages projects for the institute. These projects include researching Northern Pygmy-Owls, Northern Saw-whet Owls, Barn Owls, Northern Goshawks, rosy-finches, hummingbirds, and corvids, including Clark’s Nutcrackers and American Crows. Scott also rehabilitates injured birds of all types, with the exceptions of waterfowl and shorebirds. As an artist, Scott has created his own unique style of watercolor painting. It is a combination of cubism and realism. Each fall, members of CARRI operate three banding stations, two that target Northern Saw-whet Owls, and one that targets Boreal Owls.

Note: This lecture will also be given on Wednesday, Jan. 12, at 6pm at the Third Street Center in Carbondale. To register for that session, click here.

About Naturalist Nights

Each winter, ACES partners with Wilderness Workshop and Roaring Fork Audubon to co-host the popular Naturalist Nights speaker series, bringing a great line-up of experts to explore topics of the natural world with our community. To learn more about this series and view previous lectures, click here. The presentations in January will be virtual via Zoom, YouTube, and Facebook Live. We hope the remaining presentations will be on Wednesdays at 6pm at the Third Street Center in Carbondale, CO, and Thursdays at 6pm at ACES at Hallam Lake, in Aspen, CO. 

With questions or comments about this program, please contact Phebe Meyers, ACES Community Programs Senior Manager, at or call 970.925.5756.

Naturalist Nights: Small Mountain Owls


Free for members, suggested $5 donation for non-members.

Watch on YouTube
January 13, 2022 from 6–7pm


