No Boundaries for Birds: Saving Tropical Birds in the Roaring Fork Valley

“No Boundaries for Birds: Saving Tropical Birds in the Roaring Fork Valley”
Nic Korte, Grand Valley Audubon Society
Many of our most common summer species actually spend more of their lives in another country. Nic will compare and contrast tropical and native species of birds. He emphasizes population declines and the need for conservation here in the Roaring Fork Watershed, in the tropics, and on stopover locations along migration corridors.
Nic Korte, geochemist, birder, and forty-year resident of Grand Junction, serves as the Conservation Chairman for Grand Valley Audubon. He leads the Western Screech-Owl project, engaging hundreds of Grand Valley citizens. He has documented sightings of more than 2000 bird species.
Can’t make it to Hallam Lake on Thursday? You can also catch this presentation on Wednesday at 6PM at the Third Street Center in Carbondale.
What is Naturalist Nights?
Each winter, together with Wilderness Workshop and Roaring Fork Audubon, ACES invites regional experts to explore and share topics of the natural world through slideshows and discussion.
From January to March, this popular series takes place in Aspen at Hallam Lake every Thursday evening at 6PM, and every Wednesday at 6PM in Carbondale at the Third Street Center, providing an educational activity for visitors and locals alike. Tea, donated by Two Leaves Tea Company, and cookies donated by Paradise Bakery, Village Smithy, or Bonfire Coffee are offered.

No Boundaries for Birds: Saving Tropical Birds in the Roaring Fork Valley