“The Swiss Mountaineer Who Made Aspen: André Roch” with Maurizio Raselli and Anna Scott

Presentations are Tuesdays at 6:30pm at The Collective Snowmass.

About the Presentation

Raselli will present to us André Roch, a Swiss mountaineer, scientist, skier, and much more. He will especially be exploring Roch’s influence in the region of Aspen during it’s conception as a ski are. Join us to learn more about his life and his various activities; such as the time he almost got to the peak of the Everest. Anna Scott will join us from the Aspen Historical Society to share more about the archive system that currently holds valuable information about the history of our area.

About the Speaker

Maurizio Raselli is a PhD student at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. He, together with his team led by Prof. Dr. Hauser, is studying the history of the globalization of mountains and mountainous regions and thus also the connections between Switzerland and Colorado, studying especially the role of André Roch in the modernization of the mountains. Anna Scott is an archivist at the Aspen Historical Society. She has BA in Anthropology/Archaeology from Western Washington University. She was previously employed as an Archaeologist with the BLM in Cottonwood, Idaho for the Lower Salmon River District. She currently manages the preservation projects at both ghost town sites and has continued with education courses in archival practices and emergency planning for cultural resources.

Learn more about the Wild Perspectives series and upcoming speakers here.

With questions or comments about this program, please contact communityprograms@aspennature.org or call 970.925.5756.

“The Swiss Mountaineer Who Made Aspen: André Roch” with Maurizio Raselli and Anna Scott



January 28, 2025 from 6:30–7:30pm


The Collective
