Wild Perspectives: Finding Peace in the Mountains

Finding Peace in the Mountains: Disconnecting from Modern Life
by Art Burrows
Tuesday, February 15 | 7pm, doors at 6:30pm
The Collective in Snowmass Village
Advanced registration required | Free, suggested $10 donation
Please join us for Wild Perspectives speaker Art Burrows at The Collective on Tuesday, February 15, at 7pm, for “Finding Peace in the Mountains: Disconnecting from Modern Life”
Art Burrows is an adventurer (first free-heel ascent/descent of Mount Logan, Canada’s highest peak at 19,500’) designer (Scarpa T1 & T2), writer (Fifty Classic Ski Descents of North America), and photographer (ArtBurrowsPhotography.com). “These are all just excuses to spend more time exploring outside and taking more interesting photos,” Burrows says.
Burrows’ presentation will explore how he immerses himself in nature as a way to disconnect from modern life and technology. Through his travels and explorations, he is able to make quiet observations and deep connections with nature.
“In both the modern world and the past, we have struggled with the challenge of defining who we are on our own terms. Outside forces interfere with our true selves and our essential connection with nature. And it is not an easy equation to solve sometimes. The stress and responsibility of jobs, family, social influences, the addictive news cycles, climate stress, and covid chaos have taken a hard toll on our emotional well-being over the last two years. Tonight, we will take a fresh perspective and discover some healthy nature-based strategies. I’ll be sharing experiences and photography guided by words from many wiser than I who have gone deeper in order to understand our relationship and deep connection to nature.” – Art Burrows
Wild Perspectives, launched in January 2020, features exciting accounts of world travel, adventure, and the natural world through stories and visual media. This series, which provides an opportunity for community-building and story-telling, is in partnership with Aspen Center for Environmental Studies (ACES) and The Collective.
Due to the recent increase of COVID-19 cases in our community, and based on CDC guidance, masks are required to be worn while inside the venue. Masks may be removed only for a short time while seated and actively eating and/or drinking. Masks must be worn at all times when moving around The Collective. Proof of vaccination or proof of negative COVID-19 test required for all attendees. Admission will not be granted to anyone (ages 12 and over) without proof of vaccination or proof of negative COVID-19 test. Negative COVID-19 PCR or antigen test must be taken no earlier than 72 hours prior to the event. Documentation will be verified upon entry to The Collective.