“Wildland Recreation and Ecological Disturbance: Recreation and Public Land Management Implications for Western Colorado” with Christopher Monz

Presentations are Wednesdays at 6pm at the Third Street Center in Carbondale, CO, and Thursdays at 6pm at Pitkin County Library, in Aspen, CO.

*Due to unforeseen circumstances, Dr. Monz will be unable to join us in person, so he will present virtually. We still invite you to join us in person.

About the Presentation

Wildland recreation provides many societal and personal benefits but if left unmanaged can also result in undesirable impacts to ecological conditions. The field of recreation ecology investigates the relationships between recreation use and natural resource conditions and the knowledge from scientific studies forms the basis for developing appropriate management strategies and policy. This talk will present a synthesis of recreation ecology knowledge, a discussion of the relationship between recreation use and resulting ecological impact, and implications for wildland visitor use management for western Colorado.

About the Speaker

Chris Monz is a Professor of Recreation Ecology and Management in the Department of Environment and Society at Utah State University. He is an internationally recognized expert in the ecological implications of wildland recreation and has authored 180 scientific papers and reports and three textbooks. Chris enjoys an active outdoor life of rock climbing, backpacking, kayaking, trail running and Nordic skiing with his wife Wyatt and son Jackson.

Learn more about the Naturalist Nights series and upcoming speakers here.

*Registration for Wednesday night’s lecture in Carbondale can be found at wildernessworkshop.org.

With questions or comments about this program, please contact communityprograms@aspennature.org or call 970.925.5756.

“Wildland Recreation and Ecological Disturbance: Recreation and Public Land Management Implications for Western Colorado” with Christopher Monz



Register for Thursday
February 20, 2025 from 6–7pm
