Speaker: Kathryn Bernier, Colorado Parks and Wildlife

Description: Though many intrepid explorers hike Colorado’s high elevation mountains, only a lucky few get to view the magical bird of the alpine – the white-tailed ptarmigan. This small grouse becomes virtually invisible by molting to snowy white in winter and speckled brown in summer disappearing from predators and humans intruders by using their remarkable camouflage. Come learn about this phantom bird and gain an appreciation of how it survives and thrives in the harsh alpine tundra of Colorado that they call home.

Speaker Bio: As an enthusiastic naturalist and wildlife field research biologist, Kat Bernier has worked with Colorado Parks and Wildlife for the past seven years. The majority of her research has been in the alpine, collecting data and answering questions about White-Tailed Ptarmigan, under the guidance of Amy Seglund, Species Conservation Coordinator for the state. While not on the job working to conserve wildlife, she loves exploring wild-lands, back-packing, wildlife watching, and all forms of skiing, in the U.S. and internationally.

Kathryn Bernier, Colorado Parks & Wildlife

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