Experience the sights and sounds during the time when day shifts to dusk in the cattail marsh, pond, and sedge meadow habitats of Rock Bottom Ranch. As red-winged blackbirds and song sparrows wind down their activities and wild turkeys fly up to safe roosts in the nearby cottonwoods, the snipes begin their winnowing display flights and Virginia rails start calling. We will experience this fascinating and brief window of time with the goal of learning about crepuscular birds, those that are active at dusk and dawn. As daylight fades, our dominant sensory awareness will shift from visual to auditory and we will become immersed in a different and fascinating world.

The full summer schedule of birding outings for May-September will be out the week of April 22!

About the instructor: Rebecca Weiss is a Naturalist specializing in birding, botany, and interpretive program development. She first came to ACES as a Summer Naturalist in 1993, later directed the Naturalist Field School and worked with ACES’ Naturalist Programs. She currently guides for ACES’ Birding Program outings and is involved with the center’s interpretive and custom programs. Rebecca is also a professional writer, developing trailside natural history interpretive signs in the Roaring Fork Valley and elsewhere in Colorado, as well as other writing projects. Rebecca is the author of Birds of Aspen and the Roaring Fork Valley. She holds a BS in Biology and an MA in Environmental Education, and loves exploring the natural world with her husband, Austin, and their children Anders and Elsie.