ACES’ members are invited to bring a picnic dinner and celebrate the arrival of fall in the stunning Castle Creek Valley

One of ACES’ favorite fall events is our Fall Colors Membership Potluck at the Catto Center at Toklat. The drive up Castle Creek in September is breathtaking, and we love sharing the beauty of the valley with you. This year, we invite you to join for a series of socially distanced mini-membership picnics at Toklat, running from September 18 to 24 from 4:30-7:00pm. Guests will be spread out in different outside areas throughout the property. Check-in will run from 4:00 – 4:45pm. The center will close at 7pm.

RSVPs are limited to 25 people each evening, advance registration required

ACES members can make reservations for up to five people. Because of our limited capacity this summer, we hope you and your family take this opportunity to enjoy one evening of our limited summer picnic series. Not yet a member? Join or renew your membership today to attend this and other member opportunities throughout the summer! We want to say a special thank you to the community who have believed in this organization for a decade or longer of our 50-year history! A full list can be found here.

Please follow the guidelines outlined below


ACES will continue to follow public health ordinances to keep our visitors safe. In addition to social distancing and public health best practices, ACES also strives to maintain the highest quality wildlife habitat at the Catto Center at Toklat as a bridge to nature for our guests.

To that end, please note:  

Please contact Ali Hager, ACES Events and Donor Outreach Manager at with any questions about this event.