2015 Aspen Area Spring Migration Bird Count – Recap

ACES Staff

May 30, 2015

2015 Aspen Area Spring Migration Bird Count – Recap

Tuesday, May 29, 2015, 7AM – 1PM
Weather: mostly sunny
Location: North Star Nature Preserve, Maroon Creek Wetlands, West Buttermilk, Castle Creek

21  Canada Goose (goslings pictured above)
1  Gadwall
1  Cinnamon Teal
3  Green-winged Teal
7  Mallard
1  White-faced Ibis
1  Sharp-shinned Hawk
2  American Coot
3  Spotted Sandpiper
2  Great horned Owl
52  Broad-tailed Hummingbird
      4  Black-chinned Hummingbird
1  Belted Kingfisher
1  Red-naped Sapsucker
4  Northern Flicker
1  Cordilleran Flycatcher
27  Black-billed Magpie
16  American Crow
55  Tree Swallow
25  Violet-green Swallow
4  Black-capped Chickadee
     1  Mountain Chickadee
16  House Wren
1  American Dipper
17  Ruby-crowned Kinglet
5  Mountain Bluebird
1  Townsend’s Solitaire
10  American Robin
1  American Pipit
39  Yellow Warbler
15  Yellow-rumped Warbler
      7  Chipping Sparrow
13  Song Sparrow
1  Lincoln’s Sparrow
3  White-crowned Sparrow
5  Dark-eyed Junco
57  Red-winged Blackbird
2  Brewer’s Blackbird
3  Brown-headed Cowbird
2  House Rinch
3  Pine Siskin


Commets: It was an excellent day. Highlights included white-faced ibis and adult great horned owl with juvenile at Maroon Creek Wetlands vicinity, great ducks at North Star, black-chinned hummingbirds at West Buttermilk, and a dipper nest on Castle Creek. Other animal sightings included: coyote, chorus frogs, and red fox.

~ Rebecca Weiss, ACES Bird Guide

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