ACES Morning Birding at Hallam Lake 01/07/25
Trisha Lavery
January 8, 2025

Tuesday, January 7, 2025, 8:00-11:00am
Weather: Partly Cloudy & Cold
Location: Hallam Lake, Aspen, CO
Early January is always a wonderful time at Hallam Lake, and this cold morning following a few days of new snowfall really delivered! We began with many mallards flying overhead in small flocks as they left Hallam Lake to go forage somewhere to the east. As we walked from the deck toward the lake, one of the birders spotted a bald eagle in flight as it flew over the lake and onto the west. A couple of dippers were actively feeding in the lake, doing their technique for catching the trout fry that are abundant following the fall spawning activity: floating duck-like and diving, then flying to a rock at the short with a wiggly fish in the bill, and swallowing the fish after banging it on the rock. After studying a flock of ring-necked ducks, we paused on a small foot bridge over the water channel that runs behind the teaching platforms where we caught a glimpse of a Virginia rail. The group went completely silent as the rail worked its way along the shore of the water channel only about 15-20 feet away from us. Fortunately it came closer and gave us excellent views in great light that showed off its rich cinnamon brown plumage and hint of orange on the lower mandible. We were able to study its unique body structure and gait as well as its foraging behavior in this piece of prime habitat. Considered a rare sighting for mid winter and for such a secretive bird, this was super exciting and we shared the thrill of this special moment. Other highlights included a kingfisher perched above the lake, a creeper and pygmy nuthatches detected by ear, and the downy and hairy woodpeckers found along the Rio Grande Trail. Join us next on February 4th for more winter Morning Birding!
Species List:
~ Rebecca Weiss, ACES Bird Guide
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