ACES Morning Birding at Hallam Lake 10/22/24

Trisha Lavery

October 24, 2024

ACES Morning Birding at Hallam Lake 10/22/24

Tuesday, October 22, 2024, 8:00-11:00 am
Weather: Sunny and cold
Location: Hallam Lake, Aspen, CO

Birds took their time becoming active this morning after a cold low temperature and snow/rain the previous day. While our species list is short, our observations were high quality. As we walked into the Hallam Lake Preserve, the howls of a coyote at fairly close range brought smiles to our faces. It was exciting to hear such a wild sound here in the heart of Aspen! While the coyote kept out of view, we were thrilled to have heard it. A dipper foraged along the shore of the lake where it caught a tiny fish and banged it on a rock before swallowing it. This dipper chased of a second dipper in what appeared to be a territorial move. Dippers tend to maintain territorial ties to their feeding areas year-round. A belted kingfisher made a few passes over and around the lake as well. Red-winged blackbirds moved about the treetops in small flocks, and chickadees foraged in the lower spruce boughs. We were treated to watching the resident red-tailed hawk on its outdoor perch where it ate its food provided by a staff member. Frost thickly coated all of the vegetation, from the finest grass seed heads to the cattails in the marsh. It was a magical morning of varied experiences, and a wonderful way to watch the world wake up on the first truly cold morning of the season. Join us next Tuesday for Morning Birding at Rock Bottom Ranch!
Species List:
Belted Kingfisher
Steller’s Jay
American Crow
Black-billed Magpie
Black-capped Chickadee
Mountain Chickadee
White-breasted Nuthatch
American Dipper
Song Sparrow
Red-winged Blackbird
Pine Siskin
~ Rebecca Weiss, ACES Bird Guide
Featured Photo: Pine Siskin

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