ACES Morning Birding at Hallam Lake 11/05/24
Trisha Lavery
November 6, 2024

Tuesday, November 5, 2024, 8:00-11:00 am
Weather: lightly snowing
Location: Hallam Lake, Aspen CO
Birding was the perfect distraction on this historic election day when we all especially appreciated watching the birds going about their everyday lives in the soothing scenery of Hallam Lake Preserve. Chickadees are always dependable, even on snowy days like today, as well as song sparrows around the margins of the lake and wetlands. A sharp-shinned hawk flew in briefly to land in the cottonwood canopy. We identified it based on its very small size, accipiter proportions (long tail, fairly short wings), flight style, barred tail, and compact posture (not having much of a neck). A question came up about this bird’s name, which is based on the sharp ridge on the leading edge of its legs – a flattened, thin tarsus (leg bone). We watched ring-necked ducks roosting while floating on the lake, a pied-billed grebe, a female green-winged teal, and a couple of male mallards in the mirror-like lake. A female kingfisher came around twice for excellent views of its field marks. Our best highlight was a dipper that was actively feeding on the lake, swimming like a duck. It dipped its head underwater as if snorkeling to spot prey, then dove and came up with a tiny fish on most attempts. This was fascinating to watch! Join us on December 3rd for more wonderful winter birding at Hallam Lake!
Species List:
~ Rebecca Weiss, ACES Bird Guide
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