ACES Morning Birding at Rock Bottom Ranch 10/29/24
Trisha Lavery
November 4, 2024

Tuesday, October 29, 2024, 8:00-11:00 am
Weather: Raining
Location: Basalt, CO
After a very dry fall season, today’s rain was welcome! The ducks in particular seemed to be enjoying it as they fed near the chicken coops in the grass, presumably on seeds and perhaps chicken feed spillage. While it rained fairly consistently, we went over birding basics while cozy inside the field center, birded from the large, covered porch, and took a spin around the ranch during a lull in the rain. Our species list is very short, but our observations were high quality! And with our group of beginner birders, this was a perfect session! After learning about binoculars and setting their adjustable components, we looked at various guide books and how best to use them. We also looked at a map of Rock Bottom Ranch and discussed habitats. Outside, a red-tailed hawk sat in the bare branches of a distant cottonwood tree, flanked by a flock of magpies. While talking about these birds and their field marks and characteristic behaviors, we watched as eight wild turkeys flew, one at a time, down to the ground from that same stand of cottonwoods. It was wonderful to see these large birds glide gracefully down to start their day of foraging. We also had excellent looks at song sparrows and juncos around the ranch compound, and a flicker that perched on the pole barn. The local checklist was a good prompt for conversations about migration, native vs. non-native birds, range maps, and more. Join us next Tuesday for Morning Birding at Hallam Lake!
Species List:
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