Morning Birding at Marolt Open Space 9/22/22
ACES Staff
September 22, 2022

Thursday, September 22, 2022, 7:30am-11:00am
Weather: Cloudy with light rain
Location: Marolt Open Space, Aspen, CO
Birds were surprisingly active despite bouts of light rain, although there were definitely many, many more birds in this rich habitat area than we were able to see, as many birds took shelter in shrubs and trees and were difficult to see well. It was a wonderful morning to be birding, and with patience for both weather and well-hidden birds, we had some excellent highlights. Cassin’s vireo and clay-colored sparrow were the two rare/uncommon fall migratory birds of the day. The Cassin’s vireo was foraging high in the cottonwood canopy where we had glimpses of its bold white spectacles, buffy flanks and greenish back. The Clay-colored sparrow was in shrubs on the northeast side of the Community Garden where it mixed with a loose flock of Brewer’s, song, Lincoln’s and vesper sparrows. Warblers were another highlight, and fall is a great time to see them in mixed flocks on the valley floor; it was fun to find a MacGillibray’s warbler this late in the season. We discussed fall molting and the various stages of plumage of adult and juvenile birds today, a factor of fall migration birding that adds challenge and interest to outings. Join us next Tuesday for Morning Birding at Hallam Lake!
Species List:
Mourning dove
Red-tailed hawk
Western wood pewee
Cassin’s vireo
Steller’s jay
Black-capped chickadee
Pygmy nuthatch
Gray catbird
American robin
Evening grosbeak
House finch
American goldfinch
Chipping sparrow
Clay-colored sparrow
Brewer’s sparrow
White-crowned sparrow
Vesper sparrow
Song sparrow
Lincoln’s sparrow
Green-tailed towhee
Orange-crowned warbler
MacGillivray’s warbler
Wilson’s warbler
~ Rebecca Weiss, ACES Bird Guide
Featured photo: Clay-colored sparrow.
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