Morning Birding Species List | March 4, 2014

ACES Staff

March 6, 2014

Morning Birding Species List | March 4, 2014

Tuesday, March 4, 2014, 7:30AM – 10:30AM
Weather: mostly sunny, temperatures in the mid- to upper twenties, snow coverage 100% with firm crust
Locations: Hallam Lake and Roaring Fork River at Rio Grande Trail

Species Identified    
Canada Goose
Ring-necked Duck
Bald Eagle
Wilson’s Snipe
Northern Flicker
Steller’s Jay
Black-billed Magpie
American Crow
Black-capped Chickadee
Mountain Chickadee
  Red-breasted Nuthatch
American Dipper
American Robin
Song Sparrow
Dark-eyed Junco
Cassin’s Finch
House Finch
Pine Siskin
American Goldfinch
Evening Grosbeak (pictured above)

Comments:  Several weeks of spring-like weather has birders thinking of swallows and warblers… but winter is still upon us.  Certain species have ramped up the singing, notably Red-winged Blackbirds; but most vocalizing is still associated with non-breeding activities (such as flocks foraging together for efficiency).  A Bald Eagle has been at Hallam Lake regularly for the past several weeks, and we had an excellent chance to observe it perched in a tall spruce over the lake.  The snowpack’s firm crust allowed us to walk easily over cattail and sedge marshes in the back areas of the preserve, where we observed a Wilson’s Snipe and heavy beaver activity (willow cuttings and footprints).  We expect more great birding for the April Morning Birding session.  Come out and join us!

~Rebecca Weiss, ACES Naturalist

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