Morning Birding Species List | October 2, 2018
ACES Staff
October 2, 2018

Tuesday, October 2, 2018, 8AM – 11AM
Weather: Light rain, low clouds
Location: Hallam Lake
Species Identified |
Canada Goose |
A change in the weather brought about a quiet, rainy day, but the bird activity was spectacular, including two Brown Creepers that were making contact calls between each other as they foraged in a stand of cottonwoods. We were able to observe them for about 5 minutes, with great views of their foraging behavior, flight style, and field marks. We also learned their single, clear call note. A flock of Yellow-rumped Warblers was another highlight. In the tallest tops of the balsam poplars inside the preserve, along the driveway, and near the garden, a large flock of Evening Grosbeaks was feeding and preening. We found them based on their strong whistle-like call notes. Side highlights were beaver trails, a beaver dam, and flattened grass where a large animal had bedded down last night. We also noticed the ropes and floats of several fish traps in Hallam Lake, where they are providing data for a fish census. Join us November 6th for more fall birding at Hallam Lake!
~ Rebecca Weiss, ACES Bird Guide
Photo by Dale Armstrong
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