Jeff Lukas
Research Scientist
Jeff Lukas joined WWA as full-time staff in July 2009, and has been on the WWA research team since 2004. His diverse research and outreach activities mirror WWA’s broad mandate to collaborate with water resources managers and other stakeholders to better understand and plan for climate-related vulnerabilities in the Rocky Mountain West. In 2014, he led the revision of the WWA’s 2008 Climate Change in Colorado report to the Colorado Water Conservation Board, synthesizing the latest science on observed climate trends and climate projections for Colorado. He was also a chapter author for the Assessment of Climate Change in the Southwest United States, a technical input to the Third National Climate Assessment. In his longest-running research thread, he has facilitated the use of multi-century tree-ring reconstructions of past climate and hydrology in water planning in the interior West (see the TreeFlow web resource). Jeff has a BA in Geography from the University of Colorado and an MS in Forestry from the University of Montana.