Resources > Video: Where Wildlife Meets the Road: Advancing Safe Passages in the Roaring Fork Valley with Julia Kintsch & Cecily DeAngelo

Where Wildlife Meets the Road: Advancing Safe Passages in the Roaring Fork Valley with Julia Kintsch & Cecily DeAngelo

Around the world, wildlife crossings are increasingly being built to help reduce vehicle collisions with wildlife while allowing animals to safely cross under or over a roadway to access the habitat and resources they need to survive. This presentation will discuss wildlife’s need for connectivity across roads; how wildlife crossings can create safer roads for wildlife and motorists; and steps being taken in Colorado and, specifically, in the Roaring Fork Valley to advance safe passages for wildlife.

Julia Kintsch is the founder of ECO-resolutions ecological resource consulting based in Golden, and an expert in minimizing and mitigating the impacts of infrastructure on wildlife and ecological systems. Her efforts have advanced the practice of transportation ecology and spurred greater collaboration among transportation, wildlife, and land management agencies in creating solutions for wildlife connectivity across jurisdictional boundaries.

Cecily DeAngelo is spearheading the effort as the non-profit Director of Roaring Fork Safe Passages. Born and raised in the Roaring Fork Valley, and it has long been an interest to protect wildlife in the watershed. Cecily owned a juice and coffee business in Boulder, Colorado before returning home to Snowmass Village where she resides with her husband and young son.

About Naturalist Nights:

Each winter, ACES partners with Wildnerness Workshop and Roaring Fork Audubon to co-host the popular Naturalist Nights speaker series, bringing a great line-up of experts to explore topics of the natural world with our community.

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