Resources > Video: Pinyon-Juniper Woodland Response to Global Change: Climate, Management, and Recovery

Pinyon-Juniper Woodland Response to Global Change: Climate, Management, and Recovery

Pinyon-juniper woodlands are an ecologically important and culturally valuable ecosystem type that are currently experiencing severe changes due to recent warming and land use. In this presentation, Dr. Miranda Redmond will discuss how changes in climate affect pinyon pines, including the economically valuable pine nut, growth and establishment of juvenile trees, and adult mortality. In addition to highlighting how changing climate may alter the abundance of pinyon pine, Dr. Redmond will also discuss how commonly employed tree-reduction treatments affect vegetation dynamics in pinyon-juniper woodlands.

Dr. Miranda Redmond is an Assistant Professor at Colorado State University, where she teaches forest ecology. She conducts research on the effects of climate and disturbances on forest and woodland dynamics.The majority of her research is focused in pinyon-juniper woodlands in the southwestern United States, and she also works in subalpine forests of the southern Rocky Mountains and Afromontane forests of South Africa.

Miranda Redmond, Ph.D., Colorado State University

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